VIP Access / Donating to FlowStreams

Store front

VIP can now be purchased and redeemed in your settings page. Buy a VIP code from and redeem it at - a fully automated process.

Donating or purchasing VIP access is the fastest & easiest way to support FlowStreams.

We accept payment through the payment methods listed on this page. If your preferred cryptocurrency or payment method is not here, ping or message an admin in as they may be able to accept others.

Your donations will help to fund the maintenance and upkeep of our infrastructure, which we currently pay upwards of $70/month for out of our own pockets, as well as fund access to certain content for our platforms.

Although we're open to promotional opportunities, we do not run advertisements on our platform. We're commited to keeping FlowStreams clean so you do not need to worry about unwanted and malicious ads; that's what makes us unique.

If you'd like us to promote your product in return for money or services, contact us.

VIP perks

$ Low latency video player*
Be one step ahead of the game with our sub-second latency video player.
$ Dedicated streaming servers
VIP includes access to a dedicated streaming server on FlowStreams for large PPV events, ensuring your stream never lags regardless of the load.
$ Early access to features such as live streaming
Create your own stream and use FlowStreams, or use the playlist link on your own site. Perfect for other site owners who wish to use our infrastructure.
$ Custom username styles
Edit your username and make it sparkle with any effect, color and style you desire.
$ VIP Discord role with channel access
Finally; a clean, quiet channel to enjoy the community commentary in peace.
$ Live streaming clipping UI
Get access to the clipping UI to quickly cut a section of video and export an mp4, perfect for sharing on your platform of choice.
Enabled regardless of VIP status on speciality events such as Fishtank.

* Compromises slightly on quality in return for sub-second latency; more susceptible to lag based on network conditions. Contact us to arrange a test stream if you'd like to try before you buy.